
Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Greatest Show on Earth

The Shriners' circus came to town last week. Hunter's class went as a field trip, so that was the perfect time for sister and me to go too. We got there early and and sister had time to ride the ponies, checkout the elephants (she wasn't up for a ride) and get her face painted.

The tigers were up first. (They just so happened to be my favorite attraction.) It is unreal how these huge animals act pretty much like our 10 pound cat. LOL

The high flying "ballerinas" were Hailey's favorite. It is amazing to watch the ladies preform such physically demanding moves so gracefully 12 feet off of the floor!! There were 8 ladies and each one had her own routine, it was hard not to miss something amazing while you was watching another lady do her stunts so effortlessly.

This was Hunter's second favorite part of the circus. (His favorite was another motorcycle act, but with the lighting and the speed it was impossible to get a good photo.) This act was two guys on motorcycles on the high wires each with two ladies each preforming stunts.

There was 2 hours of performers, animals,  clowns and "death defying" stunts. I was very impressed!
The show ended with this magnificent pair of elephants.

Hunter is just like me (and so many others) he is not too keen on clowns. Weird I know, but we are not alone. :-) I am sharing this clown picture because he lives in Minot! Not only is he a local, but his daughter is a friend of ours. (And yes, she is a clown too, their whole family are clowns. LOL)
The Shriners' Circus helps raise money for an excellent cause, they provide medical care for children who are ill or have been burned at not cost.
So, the next time the circus is in town take the family and good time!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Until later~

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