
Monday, December 12, 2011

Elf on the Shelf- Day 12- Game night

** Previous Elf antics can be found on the sidebar-----> scroll to Labels and click on Elf on the Shelf**

 Looks like Mr. Snowflake invited a few friends to have Game night. (He is not a very good host though, I do not see any snacks!! LOL)

 We all know that Pooh is "a bear of very little brain" well, I wonder how long it will take him to figure out the game pieces for Candyland have been missing since the move. LOL (Or maybe they were "lost" on purpose because Hailey ALWAYS wins at Candyland.)

 Fluff and Laura are playing Cootie.

 Looks like everyone is playing nicely together.

 Two games here that I have not played- Barnyard Uno and a Cars counting money game.

 Yahtzee!! The kids thought is was really funny that the little sock monkey was playing, he/she just joined the family yesterday. Even new friends are always welcome to join in.

 Oh, look Mr. Snowflake brought us a new game. I bet we will be playing this one tonight. And Mr. Snowflake is so clever!! He must know that little people like to play card games, but holding all those cards can be a challenge. Great idea to use chip clips to hold your cards. The clips hold the cards and there is a little handle to hold onto. Gotta love a smartypants elf!! :-)

Thank you Mr. Snowflake for Uno!! I just know the kids are going to have fun playing.
The "To Do" list is long today, I hope to get a lot done!
Thank you for stopping by!!
Until later~

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